The way for the future
Computer Science
Smart Systems
Laboratory teams
Research areas
The C3S research laboratory aims to develop and promote scientific research in the field of computer science.
The laboratory's research activities focus on innovative solutions to problems of major interest.
These activities revolve around research and development projects and include modelling system, architecture deployment, invention of new technological processes, and experimentation with advanced computer technologies and their applications.
These research activities are carried out by several autonomous research groups.
These groups are divided into several general research areas: IoT, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Wireless Networks, Information Systems, Smart Systems and Security.
These technologies constitute the unifying research lines of the C3S laboratory teams, and require contributions that are both theoretical, through the development of new formalisms, and applied, through technology transfer projects towards the socio-economic fabric.
Accordingly, the C3S laboratory is particularly interested in projects that respond to national priorities such as: health, environment, agriculture, natural resources and renewable energies; the aeronautics and automobile industries, transportation, logistics; education and training; etc. Such projects will ensure partnership between the public education sector and the private sector constituting one of the essential prerequisites in terms of training and research of the new development model of Morocco.
Cloud Computing
Wireless Networks
Artificial Intelligence
Smart Systems
Information Systems
System Modelling & Simulation
Internet of Things
Big Data
Vision and strategy
The laboratory has set up a strategy and a scientific policy based essentially on the following five axes: contribution to training through research of young graduates; concentration of the efforts of the laboratory's teams around federating themes and projects; collaboration with national and international laboratories; contribution in applied research and technology transfer to the socio-economic environment; contribution to the different priority fields of research at the level of the kingdom.
To implement this strategy, an action plan is delineated by the members of the laboratory in the following points :
Recruitment of full-time doctoral students among the best university graduates in order to contribute to training through research and to meet the need in terms of teacher-researchers following the massive retirement of a large number of professors in the next ten years.
Proposal of multidisciplinary thesis topics that can be co-supervised by different members of the different
teams. -
Contribution to research projects at the national and international level around federative themes for thelaboratory teams, which will constitute an opportunity of collaboration and complementarity between the various members of the laboratory.
Organization of periodical research days within the laboratory for the monitoring of projects and PhD students.
Setting research agreements with national and international laboratories as well as with companies involved in research and development with the aim geared towards tutoring them in the NTIC technologies, a field in constant change.
Proposal of research projects in line with the strategic vision of the national scientific research.
The organization of scientific events and the publication of quality research work.
C3S Laboratory - Key Data
Papers in international conferences - indexed
Indexed publications
Doctoral Theses Defended
Organized Events